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Dialogue Sequence

Encapsulates a Level Sequence, along with all extra data needed to play that level sequence in the context of a dialogue


Narrative comes packaged with many built-in shots for you to use.


FriendlyShotNameFTextA dev friendly name.
SequenceAssetsTArray<ULevelSequence>The sequences to use - one will be selected at random.
PlaybackSettingsFMovieSceneSequencePlaybackSettingsControls the playback settings for the sequence.
CropSettingsFPlateCropSettingsControls the crop settings.
bShouldRestartuint32If narrative tries playing this sequence but it already started playing it from an earlier node, should we restart the shot or just let the existing one continue?
AnchorOriginRuleEAnchorOriginRuleSequence origin will be relative to the selected item.
AnchorOriginNudgeFVectorAllows you to nudge the shot upwards, downwards, etc. Extra offset applied to shot transform. Applied in speakers transform space.
AnchorRotationRuleEAnchorRotationRuleSequence rotation will be relative to the selected item.
AnchorAvatarCustomIDFNameIf AnchorAvatar is custom, this is the ID of the avatar to use as the override.
bUse180DegreeRuleboolForce the player and all other speakers to be on opposite sides of the screen using Y-axis movement and Yaw.
UnitsY180DegreeRulefloatIf using 180 degree rule, how many degrees of yaw to push the shots in either direction.
DegreesYaw180DegreeRulefloatIf using 180 degree rule, how many degrees of yaw to push the shots in either direction.
LookAtTrackingSettingsFShotTrackingSettingsWhat avatar should the camera track on if this is enabled.
FocusTrackingSettingsFShotTrackingSettingsWhat avatar should the camera focus on if this is enabled.
bDrawDebugFocusPointboolIf true, the camera will draw a box showing the focus point.
SpeakerTWeakObjectPtr<AActor>The speaker actor for the dialogue sequence.
ListenerTWeakObjectPtr<AActor>The listener actor for the dialogue sequence.
AnchorActorTWeakObjectPtr<AActor>The anchor actor for the sequence.
LookAtActorTWeakObjectPtr<AActor>The actor to look at for the sequence.
FocusActorTWeakObjectPtr<AActor>The actor to focus on for the sequence.
SequenceActorTWeakObjectPtr<ALevelSequenceActor>The sequence actor associated with this dialogue sequence.
CinecamTWeakObjectPtr<ACineCameraActor>The cinecam spawned in by the sequence.
DialogueTWeakObjectPtrUDialogueThe dialogue object associated with this sequence.