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Screen Space markers

Screen space markers are the visible markers on screen in the player's viewport. They show in the 3d world.


Adding markers

Markers are super easy to add. Simply select your actor or blueprint and add the component Navigation Marker.


After that it will work right out of the box across all Navigator UI widgets.


You can add markers to any actor you wish. Commonly, you may add a marker to your player or enemies.

Marker Properties

LocationDisplayNameTextThe name of the location marker.
LocationIconTexture2DThe icon that will be used for the marker.
IconTintcolorThe tint of the markers icon.
IconSizesizeThe size of the marker.
IconOffsetvectorUsed if the icon needs to be offset to be centered or changed.
ShowActorRotationboolShould the marker rotate as the parent actor does.

Each marker has specific properties, so you can change what it looks like on each element.