Weapons are types of Narrative Items you can create in your game. You have the option of selecting two options.
Weapon Item
The Weapon Item is used for Melee weapons.
To create a weapon item, you can Right-Click in your Content Drawer -> Narrative -> Narrative Items -> Weapon Item.
Ranged Weapon Item
The Ranged weapon item type is used for anything that has ranged attacks such as Guns, Magic, Long distance weapons.
To create a ranged weapon item, you can Right-Click in your Content Drawer -> Blueprint Class -> Ranged Weapon Item.
Property Name | Type | Description |
WeaponAnimLayer | TSubclassOf<UAnimInstance> | Anim BP we'll apply to the owner when the weapon is unholstered |
WeaponVisualClass | TSubclassOf<BP_WeaponVisual> | Weapon visual actor to spawn |
WeaponVisualAttachBone | FName | Weapon visual bone to attach to |
WeaponVisualHolsteredAttachBone | FName | Weapon visual bone to attach to for holstered state |
WeaponVisualAttachOffset | FTransform | Weapon visual offset from attach |
WeaponVisualHolsteredAttachOffset | FTransform | Weapon visual offset from attach for holster |
Config | WeaponConfig | The configuration for the current weapon. |
AttackDamage | float | Base damage this weapon should do |
RequiredAmmo | TSoftClassPtr<UAmmoItem> | Ammo item class for this weapon |
ClipSize | int32 | The amount of ammo loaded into the clip of the weapon |
AmmoInClip | int32 | The amount of ammo currently in the clip |
TraceData | FCombatTraceData | Weapon trace distance when doing a hitscan |
BashTraceData | FCombatTraceData | Weapon trace distance when doing a weapon bash |
Config Properties
Property Name | Type | Description |
AutomaticFire | bool | Whether the weapon fires continuously when the attack button is held down. |
RateOfFire | float | The rate at which the weapon can fire, typically measured in rounds per minute. |
AttackDamage | float | The amount of damage the weapon deals with each attack. |
RequiredAmmo | AmmoType | The type of ammunition required for the weapon to fire. |
ClipSize | int | The maximum number of rounds the weapon's clip can hold. |
AmmoInClip | int | The current amount of ammunition loaded in the weapon's clip. |
TraceDistance | float | The maximum distance the weapon can hit a target using hitscan or trace mechanics. |
TraceRadius | float | The radius of the weapon's trace or hitscan for determining hit detection. |
BashTraceDistance | float | The distance covered by the weapon during a melee bash attack. |
BashTraceRadius | float | The radius of the weapon's trace during a melee bash attack for hit detection. |
Can Fire
Check if the weapon can fire.
Is Holstered
Check if the weapon is holstered.
Update the ammo in our clip.
Wants Reload
Check if the weapon wants to reload.