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Speakers are the people who are part of your dialogue.

They don't have to speak and can just be visible, or they can have fully interactive dialogue.


The player does not count as a speaker. Instead, they are included in Player Speakers.

Speaker Properties

NPCDataAssetUNPCDefinitionThe speakers NPC data asset - if this is set to something, we'll use the NPC subsystem to grab this speaker.
DefaultSpeakerShotUNarrativeDialogueSequenceSequence to use whenever this speaker is talking (will be overridden by shot set on line).
SpeakerAvatarClassTSubclassOf<AActor>Set this to a valid actor class if you want narrative to automatically spawn your speaker avatar in, and destroy it when the dialogue ends.
SpeakerAvatarTransformFTransformThe transform for the SpeakerActor that gets spawned in, if one is set. (world location)
NodeColorFLinearColorCustom node colour for this NPC in the graph.
SpeakerIDFNameThe name of this speaker. This is driven by the NPC Data Assets ID.

Player Speakers

Player Speakers are the users who are part of the dialogue. This can include the primary player, or the party.

They don't have to speak and can just be visible, or they can have fully interactive dialogue.


Player Speakers inherit from the base Speakers class

SelectingReplyShotUNarrativeDialogueSequenceSequence to play when player is selecting their reply, overrides SelectingReplyShot.