Default Events
Narrative contains a bunch of existing events for you to use to create your game. These events are commonly used ones in most games and integrations with other plugins.
Begin Dialogue
This event allows you to start dialogue directly from a node. Whether this be during a quest or another dialogue (it will simply end the current dialogue and move to the new one.)
Simply provide the Dialogue and the ID of the node you wish to start from.
Name | Type | Description |
Dialogue | TSubclassOf<UDialogue> | The dialogue class that you want to play. |
StartFromID | FName | The ID the dialogue should start playing from, if empty will play from root node. |
Begin Quest
This event allows you to start a quest directly from a node. Whether this be during a quest to spawn another quest or during dialogue.
Simply provide the Quest and the ID of the node you wish to start from.
Name | Type | Description |
Quest | UQuest | This is the quest in which the task needs to be checked to complete the task. |
StartFromID | FName | The ID the quest should start playing from, if empty will play from root node. |
Complete Narrative Data Task
It is common that you may want to complete a task within Narrative that doesn't specifically match up with a task the player has to action. This could be as simple as finding an item location via dialogue but not having it, or completing a task to talk to X amount of NPCs.
Using Narrative's Data Tasks you can complete them simply by providing the task and the argument.
Name | Type | Description |
Task | UDataTask | This is the data task in which the task will be completed. |
Argument | FName | The value that is assigned against the data task to be completed. |
Forget Quest
Often you may need to remove progress from a quest. This may be if you return to the NPC and ask to repeat it or the user may have failed the quest.
Name | Type | Description |
Quest | UQuest | This is the quest that needs to be restarted. |
Print String
Displays a specific string on the screen or log for debugging purposes, useful for testing.
Name | Type | Description |
In string | String | The string to print for debugging. |
Duration | Float | Duration for which the string is visible. |
Print to screen | Bool | Whether to print the string on screen. |
Print to log | Bool | Whether to print the string in the log. |
Text color | FColor | The color of the text to display. |
Restart Quest
This event allows you to restart a quest directly from a node. Removing all progress and starting again from the beginning.
Simply provide the Quest and the ID of the node you wish to start from.
Name | Type | Description |
Quest | UQuest | This is the quest that needs to be restarted. |
StartFromID | FName | The ID the quest should start playing from, if empty will play from root node. |