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Project Settings

Narrative Pro comes with a bunch of Project Settings you can change to set how NarrativePro behaves in your game.

To access these settings, go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Plugins -> Narrative Pro

Save System

This section will allow you to customise how the save system exports save files.

Default Save Name - this will be the filename Narrative will use for each save file.

Num Save Slots - If you want to limit how many save slots the user has, you can limit it here.

Metadata Save File Name - To allow more details in save files without loading each one individually, Narrative tracks them with a Metadata save file.


This section will allow you to customise the Narrative gameplay settings.

Default Username - The name during dialogue that the player will show as.


This section will allow you to change which maps are used in key areas.

Game Entry Map - The map the main menu will go to when creating a new game.

Character Creator Map - The default map used when the character creator is triggered.

Load Character Creator on New Game - Should the Character creator be shown after you click new game?

Blackboard Keys

A list of blackboard keys commonly used for the Narrative AI. Useful if you are creating new behaviors.

  • BBKey Target Location – Stores the target's world position.
  • BBKey Target Rotation – Stores the target's desired rotation.
  • BBKey Delay – Defines a delay duration for timed actions.
  • BBKey Player Pawn – References the player’s controlled character.
  • BBKey Follow Target – Specifies the target to follow.
  • BBKey Attack Target – Identifies the target to attack.


This section covers all the sound classes that Narrative uses to play each section. This allows you to change its volume in the settings menu.