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Narrative Sky

Narrative Pro features a basic Time and Weather system allowing you to create quests, dialogue or anything that uses time or change the games weather.

Project Settings

The system comes with a bunch of Project Settings you can change to set how it defaults in your game.

To access these settings, go to Edit -> Project Settings -> Game -> Narrative Time Of Day Settings

Narrative Sky

This section will allow you to customise how the sky system works by default in your game.


All times are stored in integers between 0 and 2400 being the max.

Dynamic Time Of Day - allows you to turn off real time cycles. Perfect if you want fine grain control over the game time.

Default Time Of Day - When the game first starts, what time is it

Day Length Minutes - How long the day period will last

Night Length Minutes - How long the night period will last

Sunrise Time - What time the sun will start rising

Sunset Time - What time the sun will start setting